black & white

The hard-drive in my 5 year old powerbook gave up on Thursday. Instead of starting up it now grinds quite audibly and nothing else happens... well, it makes a beep now and again and that's about it. Grinding and beeping and getting quite hot. I figured it wasn't worth fixing. The battery is all but dead, it has no airport card, the case is dented all over, sometimes it takes a few goes before it boots up, and it has a small crappy memory. Slow.

So today I bought myself a new MacBook, available in black or white. Happy Christmas.

Of course I clicked on that Photo Booth icon as I guess everyone does and sat staring at myself in the silly photo booth window, fiddling with effects to create grotesque self-portraits: an alcoholic's big sore nose, ugly otterish teeth, a sqaure head, one eye bigger than the other. I switched off the effects and took a few shots, perhaps for my address book or, I don't know, something else.

I realised that with no effects the images were still grotesque, even though I'd actually lied and selected the chic 'black & white' one, hoping that my self-portraits will be potent with a Richard Avedon-drenched glamour.

Best stick to Word then.

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