When somebody loves you
Its no good unless he loves you - all the way
I recently asked myself how I got here, how I came to start this blog (I can hardly bring myself to press the keys and form the word without cringing). It all unfolded one evening in front of a tv show about, well, bloggers, some two or three in particular—you’ll know the ones I mean—and there I was, surveying their sites, sampling with head cocked to one side, like a robin listening for worms... then, peck, peck, looking for clues. What were they writing and why had they written?
Happy to be near you,
When you need someone to cheer you, all the way
And I realised that whilst they were pretending to write a diary (the usual stuff packed and pricked with plots) something else was intervening, something that the lonely diarist, wracked with neurosis, scratching at the fibres of his page smudged both by ink and tears, only hints at. In theses texts the writers voice was not stitched behind the charming narrator; here the writers voice did not form the deftly woven tableaux through which the interplay of character and plot were teased and tricked. Here we were asked to be interested in… ah… the writer himself. And it was thus I realised—like a bird looking up, listening to what we do not hear, hearing what we do not understand—that stabled before me were some of the hungriest egos of our time, and this is why I was cringing… earlier on, remember?
Taller than the tallest tree is
That’s how its got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue see is
That’s how deep it goes - if its real
Funny… that night, I drifted off quickly from those first blogs… there were links of course, and comments and all the trappings, the stepping-stones if you will, that nimbly guided me from one site to another. I got a little splashed along the way of course, but I found myself, well, found some stuff that maneuvered my spirits, kind of fucked me over in a way… the way the curve of your lips could rewrite history.
I pretended I had found a community of people with blood and emotions, a society condemned to live by their confessions alone, a clan of neurotic individuals for whom the publishing of these coughings-up was a massage to their egos as the analyst massages the id.
When somebody needs you
Its no good unless he needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in between years - come what may
I was astonished by the naked hunger demonstrated by these texts. So disenchanted was I by their rapacious and unquenchable thirst for glory that I ran for cover more quickly than I had arrived. Yet cowering—like mole, in his snowy tree-stump in the wild wood, longing for his dear friend ratty-—I heard a sigh, the sound that comes from a body expressing the emotion of absence. It was me… as if each of my breaths, being incomplete, sought to mingle with the other. I was, sadly, unglued, drying, yellowing, shrivelling. It had only been fifteen hours and seventeen days since I took my blog away, I’d been out all night and slept all day, since I took my blog away. And unlike the seventeen-year periodic cicada, it had taken me only seventeen days to dissolve into amorous absence.
Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you’ll let me love you
Its for sure I’m gonna love you - all the way, all the way
Bring your lips to mine, so that out of my mouth my soul may pass into yours.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
p.s i liked the refrence to The Wind In The Willows. it's my favourite childhood book.
x Rachel x
...and this is the advice they gave to me
"you must not try to be too pure
you must fly closer to the sea"
so I'm walking in the desert
and I am not frightened although it's hot
and I have all that I requested
and I do not want what I haven't got
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